Friday, June 5, 2009

Fingerprint Friday

I see God's fingerprints everyday in my children's faces. It's a blessing that i'm able to see them smile and play. It's the little things that we forget to give thanks for, we pray to God when they wake up sick so he could make them better but we forget to pray when they wake up healthy and give Him thanks. Thank you Father because my babies are healthy, thank you because they have everything they need, they have food, clothes, a home. There are so many children suffering in this world and for me to be able to say my kids are healthy and happy that is the best blessing of all. So don't forget to give thanks for all the little things because they might seem small but they are truly the biggest blessings. 


for more fingerprint friday posts visit pamperingbeki


Jenni said...

Awwww! So Sweet!

artsyclay said...

Such precious faces! That's a good reminder. I try so hard to remember to say thank you for each answered prayer, but sometimes I do forget. I hope God knows I am thankful. ♥

Anonymous said...

What adorable children and truly a blessing from God. So much to be thankful for.

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

What beautiful kids!

Unknown said...

cute kiddos melissa!

twinsouls888 said...

oohhh you have cute & beautiful children ^_^